That makes it even more important to ask: What is keeping Europe together? And what progressive European policies can counter pessimism and legitimate worries with a positive alternative that is fit for the future?
With Europe Calling (#ec16fes), the Friedrich Ebert Foundation will address these questions and discuss them in Brussels (24th of February), Zagreb (24th of May), Athens (2nd of June), Düsseldorf(16th of June) and finally, in Berlin (20th of June). Europe Calling is developing ideas for a social, fair and free Europe. Become a part of it!
24th of May 2016 Zagreb
Migration and Integration (#ec16zagreb)
The refugee crisis is putting Europe to the test: more than one million people have fled on the Balkan Route from war and suffering towards the EU. Solidarity and cooperation of the member states were lost on many occasions. How can we find a common European solution to this challenge?
2nd of June 2016 Athens
A New Deal for Europe: Creating Growth and Employment (#ec16athens)
Greece’s economy and society has been hit hard by the economic crisis as well as the response by European institutions over the last year. The aim of the event is to discuss the possibilities to overcome the dire economic situation in Europe by strengthening equality and promoting alternatives to austerity. The debate between political economy Professor Mark Blyth (Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea) and the Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos will focus on the negative effects of inequality on economic growth and the creation of jobs as well as new ways to leave the current state of depression.
20th of June 2016 Berlin
What keeps Europe together? (#ec16berlin)
The final event of Europe Calling in Berlin ties up the European issues addressed in Brussels, Zagreb, Athens and Düsseldorf, together with distinguished advocates for a social, just and free Europe. Three days before the Brexit referendum Europe Calling presents ideas for a vibrant and sustainable Europe.