
Online-Discussion: Who counts weapons in Ukraine?

The West, and especially NATO member countries, realize that if Ukraine does not defend itself after Russian aggression, not only will the „threat“ in the form of Russia move even closer to the eastern border of the Alliance, but it will also redraw the spheres of power in the world. Online discussion on this topic organised FES-SK in cooperation with Euractiv Slovakia.

Armament, military training, and supplies of ammunition and other equipment are therefore an investment in Ukrainian security as well as in the security of the Alliance. The Pentagon says the Ukraine supply mission is the largest authorized transfer of arms in history from the U.S. military to a foreign nation. And the EU has profoundly transformed its approach to financing anything related to military, partially as a response to the activities of the U.S. How difficult is it to transfer Western military material to Ukraine? Who in the Alliance makes sure that military equipment does not end up in the wrong hands? Are there applicable options for appropriate arms control in the war in Ukraine? And will Ukraine remain the most militarized country in the world if it endures the war? These and other questions were discussed by Martin Oltman, Defence Advisor, Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the UN, OSCE and other International Organizations in Vienna, Rüdiger Heinrich, Defence Attaché of the Federal Republic of Germany accredited in the Slovak Republic and Jen Spindel, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of New Hampshire.

Full discussion in English HERE


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